National Association of Italian political Deportees in Nazi extermination camps (Italy)

Bibliography 1960-1999



Bellak, Giorgina e Melodia, Giovanni

Donne e bambini nei Lager nazisti: testimonianze dirette

ANED, Milano 1960, pagg. 126, ill.

An anthology of Italian and foreign writings on the experience and the massacre of women and children from different places of origin in the horror of the death camps: remembrances of deportees and Nazi sources.



Un mondo fuori dal mondo. Indagine Doxa fra i reduci dai campi nazisti

presentazione di Piero Caleffi

La Nuova Italia, Firenze 1971, pagg. XIX-366

The results of a survey made by Doxa in 1970 for ANED questioning a range of 317 Italian Ex-deportees into the death-camps of Nazi Europe about their experiences in the camps their considerations about them and the motives of their imprisonment. An in-depth analysis of feelings and reactions to the physical and psychological havoc made by their torturers.



Gli altri potranno capire?

prefazione di Sandro Pertini

ANED, Bologna 1975, pagg. 143

Reactions and reports of young people after visiting the death camps.



Aufstehen! (in piedi)

ANED, Udine 1978, pagg. 92

The list of the names of 668 Friuli deportees who died in the Nazi death camps between 1943 and 1945.


Dallo squadrismo fascista, alle stragi della Risiera

ANED, Trieste 1978, pagg. 182

The history of antifascism in Venezia Giulia, up to the story of the Risiera di San Sabba, the Nazi KZ on the outskirts of Trieste.



Martini, Massimo

Il trauma della deportazione

prefazione di Marcello Cesa Bianchi

Mondadori/A.N.E.D. Ricerche, Milano 1980, pagg. 199

This book contains the results of a psychological research on a group of Italian deportees who, many years after being set free, are still deeply and incurably injured ,both in their bodies and their souls, as a result of their dreadful experience.


Dalla Liguria ai campi di sterminio

ricerche di Rosario Fucile – testi di Liana Millu

ATA-Regione Liguria, Genova 1980, pagg. 136, ill.

Documentary evidence on the Ligurian deportees in the death camps, with the addition of a list of all the people who were deported and of the ones who died from every city and village of the region. There are also short but numerous new testimonies of the survivors.



Bibliografia della deportazione

prefazione di Eridano Bazzarelli

Mondadori, Milano 1982, pagg. 94

Bibliography of the pubblications in Italian on the subject: an instrument of information for library purchasing boards and for teachers.



Ducci, Teo (a cura di)

I lager nazisti

prefazione di Gianfranco Maris

Mondadori/ A.N.E.D. Ricerche, Milano 1983, pagg. 157

The structure and working of a Nazi concentration camp are explained in a systematic way. The book includes also five emblematic testimonies and the official list of all the 1632 Nazi KZ.



Poligrafiche “San Marco”, Cormòns 1983, pagg. 116

                           Documents and testimonies on the Nazi death camps.



Il dovere di testimoniare. Perché non vada perduta la memoria dei campi di annientamento della criminale dottrina nazista

conclusioni di Nicola Tranfaglia

Franco Angeli, Milano 1984, pagg. 271

Documents of an International Meeting promoted by the Piedmontese Regional Council which took place in Turin on October 28th– 29th, 1983. Historical reports: suggested reflections on method and testimonies given during the Meeting.


Pezzoli, Orlando (a cura di)

KZ Lager. Antologia della deportazione

ANED – Sezione di Bologna, Bologna 1984, pagg. 141, ill.

Collections of ex-deportees’ testimonies for the use of Secondary Schools.



De Micheli Mario (a cura di)

La memoria dell’immagine

Artisti italiani nei campi di sterminio nazisti

prefazione di Gianfranco Maris e Giuseppe Stante

Electa, Milano 1985, pagg. 94, ill.

Agostino Barbieri, Lodovico B.Belgiojoso, Aldo Carpi, Zoran Music, Carlo Slama have fixed on paper, during their deportation, the images of what was happening around them in the death camps where they had been transported.




La vita offesa. Storia e memoria dei Lager nazisti nei racconti di duecento sopravvissuti

prefazione di Primo Levi

Franco Angeli, Milano 1986/1992, pagg. 438

This book offers a wide anthology (200 interviews) of stories of Piedmontese ex-deportees’ Lives in the Nazi extermination camps. They concern not only the internment period, but also the preceding and following ones.


Cereja, Federico e Mantelli, Brunello (a cura di)

La deportazione nei campi di sterminio nazisti. Studi e testimonianze

prefazione di Nicola Tranfaglia

Franco Angeli, Milano 1986/1992, pagg. 356

From the collected experiences of 220 ex-deportees there comes out an image quite different from the commonly known one: far from being a destiny reserved to well defined categories (Jews and partisans), it becomes a possibility overhanging whoever didn’t entirely align with the “New Order” supported by the Fascist and Nazi Parties.


Gli scioperi del marzo 1944

a cura di Claudio Dellavalle – introduzione di Bruno Vasari

Franco Angeli, Milano 1986, pagg. 68

Documents of a round-table conference of March 17th, 1984: while the Second World War is raging, the working class reacts with a strike through the whole Nazi occupied Italy, defying the threat of a wild repression.



Zanardelli, Alfredo

Taccuino del lager KZ. Testimonianze

ANED, Brescia 1987, pagg. 128, ill.

The story of the author’s vicissitudes, from his arrest to the different halting places of his deportation to Bozen, Dachau and Bad Gandersheim. He himself jotted down notes on a pad which was later accidentally found.



Scalpelli, Adolfo (a cura di)

San Sabba: istruttoria e processo per il Lager della Risiera

prefazione di Giorgio Marinucci e Gianfranco Maris

Mondadori – ANED ricerche, Milano 1988, 2 voll., pagg. 233 + 380

Lint, Trieste 1996, 2 voll.: pagg. 240+400

Overcoming every kind of difficulties ANED and the Union of Jewish Communities have succeeded in indicting the criminals who ran the only Nazi death camp in Italy.


La Conferenza di Wannsee. Berlino 20 gennaio 1942. La pianificazione nazista della “soluzione finale della questione ebraica” e i campi di sterminio

introduzione di Laura Marchiaro e Tullio Levi

Franco Angeli, Milano 1988/1993, pagg. 76

Documents of a round-table meeting organized with the support of the Piedmontese Regional Council and with the collaboration of the Jewish Community of Turin. The meeting took place in Turin on January 20th, 1987. Reconstruction of the role of the secret meeting where the plans for “the final solution of the Jewish problem in Europe” aiming at the elimination of 11 million Jews were worked out.


Storia vissuta. Dal dovere di testimoniare alle testimonianze orali nell’insegnamento della storia della seconda guerra mondiale

prefazione di Enzo Collotti

Franco Angeli, Milano 1988, pagg. 396

Documents of the International Meeting which took place in Turin on November 21st/ 22nd, 1986, sponsored by the Piedmontese Regional Council. We find the outcome of the long activity of ANED in schools, reflections on the duty to bear witness and on the use of oral witnesses in the teaching of history.



La deportazione nei KZ dalla sinistra Isonzo 1943/1945

prefazione di Gianfranco Maris

Tipografia artigiana Saccardo, Tricesimo 1989, pagg. 144

The survivors’ testimonies and the lists of deportees separated according to the cities and villages of origin. The vicissitudes of one of the areas heavily marked by the deportation.



MarŠálek, Hans

Gusen. Sottocampo di Mauthausen

a cura di Italo Tibaldi

ANED, Milano 1990, pagg. 96, ill.

Report on the existence of one of the subsidiary camps of Mauthausen where a great number of Italians were transported. A list of the people who survived and of the ones who died concludes this work.



Cavaglion, Alberto (a cura di)

Primo Levi. Il presente del passato. Giornate internazionali di studio

Franco Angeli, Milano 1991, pagg. 246

Scholars from different countries examine all the aspects of Levi’s work: memoir writing, fiction, poetry, theatre, essays, language, cultural roots, reflections on memory and oblivion, scientific culture, confutation of historiographic revisionism, translations into foreign languages, meetings with students. Sponsored by the Piedmontese Regional Council and ANED.


La circolare Pohl (30 aprile 1942). L’annientamento dei deportati politici nei Lager nazisti attraverso il lavoro “Vernichtung durch Arbeit”

Franco Angeli, Milano 1991, pagg. 124

Documents of the round-table meeting organized by the Piedmontese Regional Council in Turin on February 21st, 1989, on the “Pohl Papers” containing the orders for the commanders of the concentration camps as to the employment of the manpower which had to be exploited till using up all the strength of the prisoners. The documents contain five interviews concerning the forced labour of the deportees.


La libertà e i suoi costi

Provincia di Milano, Milano 1991, pagg. 97

Papers for the use of High-School teachers: the origins of the concentration camps, the persecution of the Jews, the doom of the IMI, German antinazi resistance etc.



Antifascisti, partigiani, ebrei

Franco Angeli, Milano 1991, pagg.178

About 4000 Italians were deported into the Nazi death camps from September 8th, 1943 to April 25th, 1945. Just a few over 4000 survived. They were antifascists, partisans, Jews. The book examines the deportation in a north-western Italian province, Alessandria and includes the biographical forms of all the deportees




Buffulini, Ada e Vasari , Bruno (a cura di)

Il Revier di Mauthausen

prefazione di Norberto Bobbio

Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria 1992, pagg. 155, ill.

Conversations with Giuseppe Calore, the doctor who was imprisoned and worked in the Mauthausen lazaret, where mainly dying prisoners were “parked”. The book contains the reconstruction of episodes and the memories of survivors.


Perché ricordare? Ricordi e pensieri di un ex deportato: IT 59022

presentazione di Bruno Vasari – prefazione di Eridano Bazzarelli

Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria 1992, pagg. 109

The book is a collection of poems by Quinto Osano. His poems are middle way between poetry and prose. In a simple and spontaneous style Osano gives us an artless testimony of the concentration camp and of its “university of pain



E.VINCENTI (a cura di),

Gli ultimi giorni dei Lager

( Atti del Convegno Internazionale,6 febbraio 1990),

Franco Angeli, Milano 1992, pagg.195

Documents of an international meeting reconstructing the final and most dramatic moment of the experience of the Nazi concentration camps. Under the pressure of the Allies, the Nazis ordered the awful evacuation marches in order to prevent the prisoners from falling alive into the hands of the enemies and bearing witness to abomination perpetrated against them.



Cavaglion, Alberto (a cura di)

Il ritorno dai Lager

introduzione di Guido Quazza

Franco Angeli, Milano 1993, pagg. 256

The moral and material, psychological and physical condition of the ex-deportee who comes back into his home-country: his state of health, medical treatment, nursing, psycho-physical problems, the difficult reintegration into everyday life, the resumption of work and political activity. Papers of an International Meeting which was sponsored by ANED and by the Regional Piedmontese Council and took place in Turin on November 23rd, 1991.



Scavando nella memoria: come le dittature hanno cancellato la libertà. I rischi del presente

Provincia di Milano, Milano 1994, pagg. 68

Papers of the research day for High-School teachers which was organized by the Milan ANED and by the Education Councillorship of the Milan Province and which took place in Milan on March 26th, 1993.


Bravo, Anna e Jalla, Daniele (a cura di)

Una misura onesta. Gli scritti di memoria della deportazione dall’Italia 1944-1993

Franco Angeli, Milano 1994, pagg. 454

The book catalogues and comments upon the written records of the deportation from Italy: 146 monographs and specific anthologies; 488 perusal of articles and passages from collections and from about fifty historical magazines; 37 unpublished typescripts and manuscripts. A heritage of information and texts, many of which had been lost and often unobtainable, reflecting the different forms which the memory has taken.


Tibaldi, Italo

Compagni di viaggio. Dall’Italia ai Lager nazisti. I “trasporti” dei deportati 1943-1945

prefazione di Daniele Jalla

Franco Angeli, Milano 1994, pagg. 250

This research offers all the main available information about the 123 trains which left Italy bound to the Nazi death camps between September 1943 and March 1945. Dates and places of departure and arrival, as well as the number of carriages for each train, are gathered in one book which gives a general picture of the times and methods of the deportation from our country.



Monaco, Lucio (a cura di)

La deportazione femminile nei Lager nazisti

introduzione di Anna Bravo

Franco Angeli, Milano 1995, pagg. 208

Documents of an international meeting sponsored by the Piedmontese Region and ANED on the subject of the specificity and difference of women’s deportation: a decisive experience to widen the knowledge of the universe of the concentration camps.There are manifold aspects: mothers separated from their children, daughters deported with their mothers, solidarity or hardness in the relations among prisoners, women who give birth in the concentration camps, victims of surgical experiments, the thousand ways to survive and resist.



La Resistenza dei Deportati Politici Italiani nei Lager nazisti

Mauthausen, Dachau, Buchenwald – Prefazione di Arrigo Boldrini

Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria 1995, pagg. 60

The book is about the moral fortitude of the political deportees in the concentration camps.



Scavando nella memoria: un passato che stenta a passare

Provincia di Milano, Milano 1996, pagg. 104

Papers for a seminary for teachers organized by ANED and by the Education Councillorship of the Milan Province.


Marchi, G. – Massariello Merzagora Giovanna (a cura di)

Il Lager. Il ritorno della memoria

Lint, Trieste 1996, pagg. 213

Documents of the International Meeting sponsored by the University of Verona, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures ( April 6th-7th, 1995). On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Liberation the book collects in an interdisciplinary perspective reflections and point of views of analysis about the phenomenon ‘ Concentration Camps’ with the participation of historians, men of letters, geographers, linguists, art historians and “memory preserver” researchers of ANED and CDEC.



CAVAGLION, A. (a cura di),

Primo Levi per l’Aned- l’Aned per Primo Levi

. Introduzione di Bruno Vasari

Franco Angeli, Milano 1997, pagg. 123

ANED has organized two international study days for Primo Levi, one year after his death, aiming at critically examining all the aspects of his activity as a witness and as a writer.


T.DUCCI( a cura di)

Bibliografia della deportazione nei campi nazisti

Mursia, Milano 1997 pagg.227

This bibliography offers a complete outline of the works which appeared in Italy about the Nazi concentration camps. It includes, beside the testimony of the survivors, the titles of some historical, scientific and fictional works which may help to know and to understand the historical, social and political conditions which that awful instrument of repression and death could grow out of.


B. MAIDA (a cura di),

Un’etica della testimonianza- La memoria della deportazione femminile e Lidia Beccaria Rolfi –

Franco Angeli, Milano 1997, pagg. 79

The core of the book is the story and the memory of womens’deportation into the Nazi concentration camps. Lidia Beccaria Rolfi, deported to Ravensbruck, analyses the forms, the ways and the perspectives of the testimony as an educational element.



In Memoria delle Deportazione

A cura di Teo Ducci

Editore Mazzotta, 1997, pagg.93

In the places of memory, famous Italian artists and architects have dedicated the works represented in this volume.




Deportazione Memoria Comunità

Vercellesi, biellesi e valsesiani nei Lager nazisti

Prefazione di Claudio Dellavalle

Consiglio regionale del Piemonte, Isrsc Bi-Vc

ANED, Franco Angeli, 1998, pagg.183

The book contains a series of essays and testimonies on the stories of the deportees from Vercelli and Biella. The stories that Lovatto has collected are stories of normal people for whom the “tear” of the deportation and then the hell of the concentration camps cannot be made normal, because the gap between “before and after” is unbridgeable.



F.CEREJA ( a cura di ),

Religiosi nei Lager-Dachau e l’esperienza italiana

(Atti del Convegno Internazionale 14.2.1997),

Franco Angeli, Milano 1999, pagg. 213

The presence of Italian priests in the Dachau concentration camp through the survivors’ memories. The book includes almost definitive quantitative and statistic data on Italian religious deportees.


MONACO, LUCIO (a cura di),

L’attività culturale dell’ANED per la didattica e la ricerca storiografica

(Atti del Convegno Internazionale del 4 aprile 1998),

Franco Angeli, Milano 1999

Documents of an international meeting


VASARI, BRUNO (A cura di),

Salone del libro Torino – Presenze dell’ANED nello Spazio Incontri

della Regione Piemonte 1995-1998

Consiglio Regionale del Piemonte

Franco Angeli, Milano 1999, pagg. 176

The presence of ANED at the most important Italian Bookfair: contributions, debates and presentations of new publications.

Osano, Quinto

Perché ricordare? Ricordi e pensieri di un ex deportato: IT 59022

presentazione di Bruno Vasari

prefazione di Eridano Bazzarelli

Edizioni dell’Orso, Alessandria 1992, pagg. 109

The book is a collection of poems by Quinto Osano. His poems are middle way between poetry and prose. In a simple and spontaneous style Osano gives us an artless testimony of the concentration camp and of its “university of pain”




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